Prophets Declare What You See And Hear 2025 Archives

2-27-2025 The Lord says, go in faith and trust that I will meet you there and show up for you. Your finest hour is upon you. Don’t be fooled by circumstances. The power of my right hand has the ability to shift things for you at an instance. Trust me in the process, says the Lord! I chose you, and I called you. You did not call yourself, says the Lord! 


2-26-2025 The Lord God says, true love never stops loving, and true love never stops forgiving. I made you to have my heart and my ways, and when I see those qualities and characteristics in you, that is how I know that you are like me. I can see myself in you my daughter, my son, says the Lord!


2-25-2025 The Lord God says, you have to know that I got you, and I got it, and I have you covered, and I have things under control. As you learn to trust me, you will find out that I do not disappoint even as I am steadily teaching you the walk of faith that is essential in your journey with me, says the Lord!


2-24-2025 The Lord says, the portion that I have reserved and preserved just for you is protected is covered by my hand until the time appointed. At the appropriate and the appointed time, I will bring you into your due season and your just rewards, and you will see the greater portion that I have stored up and reserved just for you, says the Lord!


2-23-2025 The Lord says, everything that I am doing in your life in this season is all about purpose. It is about your purpose and the destiny that I have called you to in life. You won’t be able to run away from it, because I am bringing it to you so that my will can be fulfilled in your life in a greater measure, declares the Lord!


2-22-2025 The Lord God is saying, an old system won’t be able to call you back to it simply because I have shut it down and dismantled it so that it could no longer call you. (For many of you, even if you wanted to backslide and go back to the nightclub that you used to go to back in the days, it is no longer there. The Lord got in the people or the city, town, or county officials and made them tear it down so there is not even the remembrance of it or where it used to be. Some of them have turned into light houses, and they are now churches versus night clubs or strip clubs.)


2-21-2025 The Lord says, it was for your own protection and not for your demise. Anything I do is to help you and not to hurt you or harm you, says the Lord!


2-20-2025 The Lord says, I am delivering many of you from the bondage of a severe case of perfectionism where everything has to be just right to the tee every time to the point that you waste several hours or a whole day editing or trying to perfect the things way pass the higher standards. The Lord says, you have wasted a lot of your time trying to be overly perfect, and you have cheated other people and other areas of your life by doing so. The Lord says, I am not diminishing the spirit of excellence in your life, but I am showing how to still be excellent but to be balanced in how you approach things. The Lord says, in this season, I am dealing with your way of thinking, and your method of doing things so that you can be more productive with less stress. My approach to things is not a burden to you and will not add a weight to your life by wrong thinking or creating an imbalance in your life, declares the Lord!


2-19-2025 The Lord says, vengeance is mine so do not take matters into your own hands. Anything on your path that I did not put there will be uprooted. Just follow my path and my plan, says the Lord!


2-18-2025 The Lord says, dangerous times are ahead in many nations, but I will be a shield and a refuge for my people, and my hand will provide for them and shelter them from many things to come. My hand is not shortened that it cannot save, heal, deliver, and rescue, declares the Lord!


2-17-2025 The Lord says, I am crushing the head of delay as you pray. I am putting a fire within you that will burn away your remaining stagnancy in those hidden areas and pockets of your life. This same fire will make sure that nothing lays dormant in your life. This release will ignite a new fire upon those gifts and creativity that I have planted within you, says the Lord!


2-16-2025 The Lord says, I am not going to let you become their scapegoat for their mess, nor will I allow them to destroy all of what I have invested in you all of these years when it is time for the harvest to come forth. The Lord says, I will put a clear distinction before what is of my hand and what is the work of the adversary that seeks to overthrow and destroy what I am building and now pushing forth, says the Lord!


2-15-2025 The Lord says, your purpose is the reason that I am moving urgently in your situation, and I will shake things to bring about my cause in your life. You will see me in a new way in this season, says the Lord!


2-14-2025 The Lord says, I have settled the matter for you. Set not your mind to ponder about it. You will see soon enough and in due time that it is already done and provided for, says the Lord!


2-13-2025 The Lord says, do not ignore the signs that I am sending in the land and in the nations of the earth. When I allow a blood moon year to come, it is for a very good reason. It is to alert you of things to come, and they are for signs, declares the Lord! See Genesis 1:14-19, mainly Verse 14, Luke 21:25-26, and Psalm 74:9.


2-12-2025 The Lord says, as you continue to pray and to seek me, the mountains will move. Those mountains in your life had a voice, but my voice is greater, says the Lord, and as you call upon me and cry out to me my voice will thunder and break to pieces every mountain, small and great in your life, and you will go free of bondages and captivities that the enemy has tried to put you in, says the Lord! You will now reign over those things in your life that were once reigning over you. There will be a fresh fire that will come from your voice that burn up the chaff and only leave the wheat. Your generation will change in life, because of you, declares the Lord, the Sovereign one!


2-11-2025 The Lord says, open your eyes to the truth, and be not deceived by the distractions and the smokescreens that are designed to pull your focus away from the real mission, purpose, and assignment that I have given you.


2-10-2025 The Lord says, long standing things and battles that have been against you have already been fixed in the realm of the spirit, but you will begin to see it fixed in the natural in a very tangible and visible way. You will have a testimony, says the Lord!


2-9-2025 The Lord says, your experiences in life and in times past have nothing to do with what I am trying to establish in your life and bless you with in this season. This is your season to do things my way and in a new way, says the Lord!


2-8-2025 The Lord says, I am continually pouring into you as you continually pour into others. I am causing a well in you to spring up as I cause your new waters to overflow onto others that I am refreshing while I am pouring into you. You are my nourisher and conduit for many, says the Lord! The Lord says, you can only pour out what I have poured into you. Anything else is burn out. Get before me and stay in my presence, and you will see what I will do for you in this season of your life, says the Lord, the Mighty God!


2-7-2025 The Lord says, anything that I allow just know that I have an end plan for those things that I allow to come. My hand is not shortened in any situation, but it is by my grace that you have been able to stand and are still standing, because I have kept you, says the Lord! It is not you that have kept yourself, but you have been kept and upheld by my righteous right hand, declares the Lord, The Father of Lights!


2-6-2025 The Lord says, there are some things that you will never see in your life until they are activated by words, either good or bad. The Lord God says, you must cancel with your positive words all evil words activated over your life by either your own confessions or the confessions or the words of others, typically in your bloodline or by spiritual authorities. This day, I declare the decree and I activate my blessings, the blessing of the Lord, in your life, and you will go forward, says the Lord! I will send you prophets that will speak my heart and my blessing over your life versus the curses of their heart from a bitter place in life, declares the Lord God!


2-5-2025 The Lord says, I will empower you to do that which you cannot do in your own strength and power as you continue to walk with me and call upon my name. I will shock you and show you great, strong, powerful, and mighty things that you had no idea that would be made possible for you, says the Lord!


2-4-2025 The Lord says, I have not called you to fail but to prevail. Through me, you will do valiantly, says the Lord! As you call upon me, I will make things to appear in your life, and I will cause you to have favor at every turn and point in your life. Anything that has been altered in your life or manipulated by anything other than my voice and my spirit, I will fix it and bring things back into alignment and order, says the Lord!


2-3-2025 The Lord says, I planted you as a light and a strength in those places that I have you so that others can draw from all that I have deposited in you. You carry my light, and I am within you. I touch people through you. As you go forth, I go forth in you and through you to disperse my power and my gifts, says the Lord!


2-2-2025 The Lord says, sometimes because of your heart and how you are and being full of compassion in relationships, it has gotten you into trouble, but in this season, I am giving you a keen awareness and an ability to discern better and upfront so that you can be led of my Spirit and keep yourself away from the pain. This is your new time and season of sharp and key discernment when it comes to relational matters, says the Lord!


2-1-2025 The Lord says for some of you, they were used to doing spells and rituals on you and caused some of them to get through, which had some effect on you, but I stopped them. I have declared a new thing and a new season over your life, says the Lord!

1-31-2025 The Lord says, do not allow yourself to be distracted by things that I have already overridden by my authority and power, the greater power and greater authority. 


1-30-2025 The Lord says, this season that we are entering into is about renovations and expansions and renewals. I am the one behind it, says the Lord! These are things that you will see on a personal level and on a governmental level and in the cities, towns, and villages. The landscape around you will begin to change, and things will be beautified as the old waste places get a facelift and be rebuilt, says the Lord! Even now I am putting some things and some ideas into the hearts of many of you, and I am showing you things in your dreams, says the Lord!


1-29-2025 The Lord says, I am watching, and my eyes are upon everything. I have all things covered, including you. You are covered under the shadow of my wings and I have you covered and protected in my hands. You are heavily fortified in me and protected, says the Lord!


1-28-2025 The Lord says, I will not allow those that hate you to destroy you, but I will protect you, says the Lord! (Some of you have no idea just how much the Lord really loves you, because you have been listening to evil reports for far too long.)


1-27-2025 The Lord says, I am bringing you into the greater elevation. Look for and expect it. You have passed the tests, says the Lord!


1-26-2025 The Lord says, I am lightening your path, and I am also shedding light on many situations that you were once kept in the dark about that I want and need you to know now before I transition you into this next step and season of your life. You have been in a semi-preview season in your life where I allowed you to preview some things to come in your life, but now I am shifting you into the full measure of what I have for you. Do not resist my hand and my love for you in what I am doing for you, and do not get in my way, because I know best for you and I know what I have called and created you to do. My hand is upon your life, declares the Lord!


1-25-2025 The Lord says, I will intervene in your situation and show you mercy.


1-24-2025 The Lord says, I will cause a deluge of my Spirit to flood the nations and to come upon the lives of the people, even the ones that do not know me, and many will seek to know, because of the move and the invasion of my Spirit in the earth, says the Lord! Read Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17-21, Isaiah 11:9-10, Habakkuk 2:14, and 2 Corinthians 3:16-17.


1-23-2025 The Lord says, this season is about me opening your eyes to see things the way that they really are. You have been awakened to see the truth, and I am now unlocking a keen sense of discernment and awareness within you so that you do not be deceived in that which I have conceived and deposited in you to bring forth for these times. I have awakened you unto my righteousness, and now I am awakening you to the truth.


1-22-2025 The Lord says, I have given you staying power and standing power. In this season, you will see an increase in both as I shift you into greater dimensions of my glory and power and the things that I have for you, declares the Lord!


1-21-2025 The Lord says, I have sustained you all these years, you have nothing to worry about. I have you covered in the palm of my hand, and I have sealed you by my righteous right hand for my purposes, declares the Lord!


1-20-2025 The Lord says, you will not be a laughing stock, because your destiny is sealed in my hands, and I watch over you, and I watch over my word to perform it in your life.


1-19-2025 The Lord says, restoration is in my hand, but you must ask me to restore you and give me permission to do what I already want to do for you and that which is in my heart to do for you, says the Lord! Read Isaiah 42:22-23, Jeremiah 30:17, and Joel 2:25-27, and then ask the Lord to restore you.


1-18-2025 The Lord says, there will be a retaliation from my hand against the evil that has tried to come against you without fearing me. My response will be strong, says the Most High!


1-17-2025 The Lord says, I am going to move the land in a way that will root out all of the corruption by my heavy hand of judgment. The land will know that it is my great and sore sword going throughout the land and throughout the nations.


1-16-2025 The Lord says, I am causing you to bounce back from what the enemy wanted to be a catastrophic season in your life. I am in the midst of things with you, declares the Lord!


1-15-2025 The Lord says, my purpose for you still stands, and I will not annul what I have planned for your life and neither will I alter the thing that have gone out of my mouth concerning you. I am not a man that I should lie to you, but my integrity goes far beyond what you can imagine. If I said it, I will do it and make good on my word and promises to you, declares the Lord!


1-14-2025 The Lord says, I am covering you through the process. You will not be defeated, says the Lord!


1-13-2025 The Lord says, I am putting a new fragrance on your life that will cause a new smell, a sweet aroma to be mightily upon your life, a sweet sign of my grace that is now covering your life. In the days ahead, my people will smell that I am with you and covering you, declares the Lord!


1-12-2025 The Lord says, you will have to trust me every step of the way, but you will be glad that you did when it is all said and done.


1-11-2025 Perseverance is a necessary key for you in this season, declares the Lord!


1-10-2025 The Lord says, I intervene when my people pray and intercede and ask me to intervene in certain matters and in specific situations according to my will and my plans and purposes. You people should never abandon the foundations of prayer. It is by that mechanism that I am able to move to shift things by my hand in even the toughest of situations, declares the Lord!


1-9-2025 The Lord says, this year is very different and your whole prayer format must change now to accommodate this year. How you prayed in 2024 must shift, because 2024 prayer won’t work for 2025. The Lord says, get before me and allow me to show you what to keep and what must go to accommodate the times, and I will give you a new prayer strategy and formula for this year that shift things and move things forward, declares the Lord!


1-8-2025 The Lord says, there are certain evil spirits that ride upon your words when you speak negatively. Watch your words in this season and avoid loose words that may have some unintended consequences. Use your discernment and exercise the wisdom that I have given you. You will come into a place of speaking words of power with your tongue that will change and shift situations for the better, declares the Lord!


1-7-2025 The Lord says, I will not allow the destiny swap to take place, but your portion in me is sealed in Heaven and in earth, which cannot be altered.


1-6-2025 The Lord says, your role is not to crucify what you did not create. I created them, and I put my breathe in them, and I gave them my Spirit, even if you currently see something different in them. I did not make you their judge, but I am the Judge of all the earth, and you judge only by what you see and know, but I, the Lord, am He that judge by the contents of the heart, even the parts you do not see. I see pass imperfections and flaws that you use by your human standards and judgements to count others out, but I, the Lord, know what you do not know and I see that which you do not see. I know how to turn things around, because I see not just bad things in the heart, but I see the good, and I work with the good and cause it to germinate and to grow into something beautiful; for I have declared the end from the beginning, and I have made all things beautiful in my time, says the Lord!


1-5-2025 The Lord God says, this season for you is about a time of recalibration. I am recalibrating some things in your life and in the ministry that I have put within you, and I am redeveloping and cultivating some things that I have put within you to bring it forth now. The Lord says, even now I am refining everything in your life.


1-4-2025 The Lord says to you Apostolic Fathers and Leaders, pray for your Aarons and Hurs, those that you know or believe that are called to hold up your arms in the ministry, because of the level of warfare that some of them encounter or endure just to serve you or try to serve. The Lord says, this is a season for you not to misjudge things and not to take things for granted, but cover those ones closest to you and those that I am positioning around you to help you and undergird you in the battle in this season so that the war can be won and Amalek can be defeated. The Lord says, there are people that I have also called to cover you in prayer, but you also must cover them in prayer that I have called to pray and intercede for you. The shift happens when everyone is praying for one another. The Lord says, a lot of stuff is not automatic, but it is by prayers and supplications and intercessions, says God! Your intercession gives an access key, declares the Lord!


1-3-2025 The Lord says, the reason that I leave the ninety-nine to go after the one is because I am not done with that one, but I know what I have put in them and what I have invested in them privately, but the warfare caused them to stumble a bit, but my hand is able to reel them back in for my purposes, says the Lord! I have not forsaken the ninety-nine, but I am going after the ones that are wounded, broken, hurting, and distraught to bring healing and restoration to their lives and draw them back into my purposes, says the Lord!


1-2-2025 The Lord says, I am going to do some key things for you at the beginning of this year to demonstrate to you that I am very capable of pushing through my plans and agenda for your life. You will not be void of purpose this year, says the Lord!


1-1-2025 The Lord says, in key seasons of your life, I will walk with you, talk with you and lead you on the path that I have for you.